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  • Kindergarteners share hilarious "facts" about Mom 😂

Kindergarteners share hilarious "facts" about Mom 😂

Plus, a great-grandbaby surprise.

Good Morning & Happy Mother’s Day! In preparation for the special day today, one kindergarten teacher asked her students questions about their moms to turn them into cute Q&A gifts. But their responses? Hilarious. 😂

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An elderly woman cries tears of joy, eyes closed, as she hugs a woman tightly.

Woman Surprises Grandparents With Their Great-Grandson… & Their Reaction Is Too Wholesome

To say they’re shocked would be an understatement.

A man holding a giant grey cat in his arms.

“What My Giant Cat Looks Like Next To His Siblings”

Winston looks massive next to other kitties!

A two-photo collage. The first shows a little boy holding yarn in his hands to show the camera. The second image shows four crochet creatures. Text on the image reads: So, I thought I'd show him some of the stuff I've made

“Don’t Give Up On Your Passions,” When Boy Gets Bullied For Crocheting, Kind Stranger Reaches Out With Powerful Message

He was ready to give it up completely until the messages started pouring in. ❤️

In which country was Mother's Day first celebrated?

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“I cried at the loving way this man saved all those little ducklings.

“Too often we have lost the sense of wonder we had as children. Lovely to see this.”

Just a kid marveling at his mom’s musical talent.

Trivia Answer 🔎

United States

On May 10, 1908, Anna Jarvis held a memorial ceremony to honor her late mother (and all mothers) in what is considered to be the first Mother’s Day celebration. Six years later in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made it official, declaring it a national holiday.

One Last Smile

Left image shows a full plate, a full fork, and has the words, "Picking and choosing my battles today." Right image shows an adult hand handing the forkful of food into the hand of a toddler hiding in a pillow fort.

Mother’s Day or not, there will always be “those days” when you’re a parent. Take it from this mom, who shared the hilarious way she’s “picking and choosing my battles today” with her toddler. 😆

“Being a mother is like being a gardener of souls. You tend your children, make sure the light always touches them; you nourish them. You sow your seeds, and reap what you sow.”

– Karen White, Sea Change

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